Digital Marketing

You don’t need to be a digital marketing expert to run a successful business — you just need to know where to find one. Reach more customers with Black Dog Marketing. 

Expert Digital Marketing Strategies For Professional Organizations

As a business owner, you’ve probably heard the term “digital marketing” thrown around your industry.  But what does digital marketing actually mean for your business? And is it really necessary for your success? 

Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of marketing strategies that exist in a digital space — not on physical signs or mailers. Today, most people spend at least a small amount of time online each day. Your business needs digital marketing strategies in place to reach those people — and stay competitive within your industry. 

At Black Dog Marketing, we take the stress of digital marketing off our clients’ shoulders. We’ll conduct a full marketing audit and determine the exact strategies your business needs to succeed in this digital age. Then, we’ll implement them for you and maintain them long-term — without you needing to lift a finger. 

Are You Looking For More Traffic, Leads Or Sales?

At Black Dog Marketing, we take a partner approach to Digital Marketing for businesses. We’ll help you set up the strategies to begin increasing your rankings, then show you where to go from there. Want to learn more about our Digital Marketing services?

Digital Marketing Services That Grow Your Business

An effective digital marketing strategy tackles your online presence from all angles. We may recommend any or all of the following services as part of your strategy — and we can customize your marketing package to fit your business’s specific needs. 

Email is an effective, direct outlet to reach your current and potential customers when they aren’t otherwise thinking about your business. Your company can use email to:

  • Tell your audience about special deals and discounts
  • Create a personable brand image
  • Remind past customers of your services
  • Turn leads into customers through consistent communications

Like any marketing strategy, email marketing requires careful planning and marketing expertise to be successful. At Black Dog Marketing, email marketing is one of our biggest services, and we’ve spent years developing a strategy that works for clients. 


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the foundation of your business’s online success. Without it, potential customers will never find your website or even know that your business exists. But with it, you can outperform competitors, reach more customers, and grow your business.  Increasing your search engine rankings requires extensive knowledge of SEO algorithms and skills ranging from web development to content writing. We’ll conduct an SEO audit to determine how your business is currently ranking, then use our in-depth SEO experience to help your rankings soar. 
Before people can decide to hire your business, they need to understand why your service meets their needs. Demand generation is a personalized marketing strategy that raises consumer awareness about your products or services, increasing engagement and eventually creating qualified leads.  Not many marketing agencies offer demand generation as a service, as it can feel like an abstract, trial-and-error concept. But our team has nailed this process down to a science — and we’ll use it to help you build your customer base.

Leads are people who are interested in your company and may become customers down the line. Like demand generation, lead generation fosters interest and engagement in your company. But lead generation focuses more on nurturing that interest through means such as:

  • Website content
  • Emails
  • PPC ads and retargeting
  • Social media posts
  • Blog posts
  • Discounts and special offers

Think about all the businesses you’ve interacted with or followed on social media but have never purchased from. Before you can seal the deal, you need to foster leads — and we can help you attract them.

If your business is struggling with sales, your potential customers may be getting lost somewhere in the marketing funnel. This concept describes the process customers go through between when they first become aware of your business and when they make a purchase. It includes the following stages:
  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Consideration
  • Decision
  • Action
The marketing funnel is shaped like a funnel because not everyone makes it through each stage. You’ll have far more people who are aware of your business than those who convert to customers. But if one of your marketing funnel stages isn’t working for your business, you may be losing too many potential customers — hurting your sales.  We’ll help you develop a sales funnel strategy that reliably moves individuals from stage to stage, increasing your number of conversions. 

Marketing isn’t a one-and-done strategy — it requires continual improvements and upkeep to remain successful. Many businesses have begun adopting marketing automation software to streamline routine tasks involved in online marketing, such as:

  • Sending text messages and emails to customers
  • Reminding customers of upcoming appointments
  • Requesting reviews from existing customers

We can assess your needs and goals for a marketing automation platform, then recommend the right solution and help you roll it out within your business.

Building and maintaining relationships with your customer base is crucial to your customer retention. Our team can help you set up a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that includes essential details about your existing customers, making it easier for you to maintain those relationships. 

Why Black Dog Marketing?

Our team takes a unique, personalized approach to digital marketing that streamlines results for our clients. We’ve spent over 25 years in the marketing industry, and in that time, we’ve learned what strategies work best for clients — and which ones are a waste of time. 

We’ve learned that getting to know our clients well is crucial to developing an effective marketing strategy. We’ll take the time to learn the ins and outs of your business and research your industry. We also value our long-term relationships with clients — some of whom we have partnered with for close to a decade. 

If you’re looking for high-quality, personalized digital marketing services from a US-based, in-house team, we’re the agency for you.