Web Hosting

We’ll take care of hosting your website and keeping its data safe long-term.

Hassle-Free Web Hosting Services

Designing a beautiful website is just the first step in making your business visible on the internet. You also need to think about web hosting, or the process of publishing your site to the web. 

As a business owner, you have numerous responsibilities on your daily task sheet — and spending time figuring out web hosting is probably pretty low on the list. But until you decide on a web hosting service, your website will only be visible to you — meaning it won’t do much to further your marketing strategy. 

Thankfully, working with Black Dog Marketing for your web development or web design means you don’t need to think about web hosting. We’ll take care of hosting your website as part of our ongoing web maintenance plan. Even if we didn’t create your site, we’d be happy to provide web hosting support as long as you need it.

Are You Ready For Stress-free Website Hosting?

Allow us to take the stress of managing your website off your shoulders so you can focus more energy on running your business. 

Whether you’re just looking for a web hosting service or need a complete website overhaul, we’ll tailor our services to meet your needs. Schedule your strategy session today and learn how Black Dog Marketing can help your business thrive. 

What Is the Purpose of Web Hosting?

In order for other people to be able to find your website on the internet, you need to host it on a web server. Even though you may picture your website as only taking up digital space within the cloud, it also needs a small amount of physical server space to store its:

  • Files
  • Images
  • Website code
  • Backend elements

Web hosting is the process of renting or buying that physical server space to house your website. While you can technically purchase your own server, store it in a warehouse, and host your own website, doing so will likely be a waste of time and money. 

Instead, most businesses host their websites through designated website hosting services that own or manage dozens of hosted servers, allowing them to house numerous websites. Still, not all web hosting services are created equal, and choosing a low-quality option could counteract the work you’ve put into creating a beautiful, functional website.

Why Choose Black Dog Marketing for Web Hosting?

You don’t need to spend any more time searching for the right web hosting service. At Black Dog Marketing, we offer top-tier web hosting plans that can seamlessly integrate with your other digital marketing services. We’ll take care of every aspect of keeping your website live — so you never need to think about it. 

When you choose Black Dog Marketing, you benefit from the following: 

Top-Tier Security and Monitoring

Your website data is priceless, and the website hosting service you choose can significantly impact its security. Our team offers ultra-secure hosting to give you peace of mind about your data and network security.

We provide ongoing website monitoring and maintenance alongside our hosting services, which means we’ll immediately recognize any threats to your website — and take the necessary measures to counter them.

Fast Loading Speeds

Did you know your web hosting service can impact your website’s loading speed? Your website needs enough RAM, hard drive space, and bandwidth to support your typical amount of website traffic. But low-quality website servers often skimp on these elements to fit more websites in their servers. 

As seasoned digital marketers, we recognize the importance of website loading speed within your greater marketing plan. We’ll make sure your website has plenty of server space to run smoothly and support all the large elements that make up your site. 

Personalized Support

Some of the biggest web hosting services host thousands of websites, which means you may have trouble getting hold of customer support when you need it. Instead, our small, in-house marketing business is always available to answer questions, address issues, and ensure optimal performance for your website. 

Even better, we’ll prevent issues from occurring in the first place through our ongoing monitoring and support.

Opportunities for Scalability

If you recently revamped your website, it may be relatively small compared to other sites on the internet. But with every image, blog post, website page, and technical element you add, your website will require more bandwidth and server space. You need a web hosting plan that allows your website to grow and scale over time. 

Most of our clients work with us for web development, design, and hosting, which means we’re attuned to their websites’ growth and scalability. Whether you hire us for web development or not, we’ll dedicate ample room for your website to grow over time — just like your business.

Budget-Friendly Solutions

No matter what web hosting service you choose, you’ll need to pay monthly fees to keep your website live on the internet. But when you partner with our company for web development, design, and hosting, we’ll incorporate your hosting fees into your marketing package, saving you money.

Full-Scale Marketing Strategies

High-quality web hosting is important to your website’s performance and success, but many other elements make up an effective website as well. When you choose Black Dog Marketing as your web hosting provider, you’ll benefit from 25+ years of marketing experience, personalized web design and development assistance, and an array of digital marketing services that can help you grow and scale your business. 

We’d be happy to provide comprehensive marketing solutions alongside your web hosting services. Our expert digital marketers are well-versed in all of the following services:

Benefit from personalized services and a digital marketing agency committed to your company’s success.

Leave Your Web Hosting to Us

Allow us to take the stress of managing your website off your shoulders so you can focus more energy on running your business. 

Whether you’re just looking for a web hosting service or need a complete website overhaul, we’ll tailor our services to meet your needs. Schedule your strategy session today and learn how Black Dog Marketing can help your business thrive.